Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Organic Gardening on a Cloven Hoof

Branching out a bit from my little patch of paradise to about a mile away. Here, under the high voltage transmission towers of our local utility, Southern California Edison, a tree nursery has some fallow land.

Being hot and dry summer conditions here in Southern California, the brush builds up only to dry out and cause a high fire danger.

The nursery hires a local goatherd for about $3,000. He brings his flock in and dozens of hungry lawnmowers get to work.

While dry grass and brush might not be a complete, nutritional meal for the goats, they have a feeding pen (at the top of their range in the above picture) that has supplemental feed and water

It also makes quite an attraction in our neighborhood.

Copyright 2015 - Darryl Musick
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if you would be interested in a guest blogging opportunity with Gardening Know How? If so, please e-mail me at:
    shelley AT

