Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Caregiver Chronicles: In Praise of the Mighty McNugget

One of our duties as caregivers is feeding. Tim is very limited in his ability to feed himself so Letty and I have to step in to do it.  It's not because Tim has a special diet, it's because of his limited motor skills that he has problems using utensils and keeping the food either on the plate or in his mouth instead of everywhere else.

We've graded each food on how easy it is to feed, hot dogs, penne, and macaroni are among foods that are easy. Burgers, depending on how elaborate the toppings are can be easy or a pain in the ass.

God forbid if Tim wants to eat a chili cheese burger.

The Holy Grail, however, are the foods that Tim can feed himself.

Not too messy finger foods, like grapes or fries, can be handled by him. I can cut up a banana or an apple and he can also feed himself using a special OXO grip fork we have for him.

For breakfast, I'll alternate between a banana, apple, grapes, or maybe another seasonal fruit put in a little compote bowl for him where I can just sit it on the table and let him go to town (Tim's never been a big breakfast person so he doesn't eat or care for the egg dishes I cook).

Sunday, in particular, is a day I like to take it easy.  Of course, that's a relative term around here.  On the Day of Rest, I still have to cook two meals, feed him dinner, get him dressed, help him with his bathrooming, put him in his recliner for his evening relaxing time in front of the TV, get him undressed and put him back in bed (yes, that's the easy day...).

Since I'm trying to relax and take it easy, Sunday is also a lunch treat for Tim and myself.  I'll go get him the ultimate feed-yourself lunch...a chicken nugget meal from one of our local fast food restaurants.

The nuggets are the perfect size for Tim to pick up, dip in the sauce, eat, have a few fries, and wash it down with a strategically placed soda and straw.

For those fifteen minutes, I'm in my happy place where Tim can do something for himself and I can have a little time to not worry about it.

Yes, I will always praise the Mighty McNugget for the small weekly break it gives me.

Darryl Musick
Copyright 2016 - All Rights Reserved

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