In those couple of hours you'll see us celebrate, argue, be nice and polite, be profane, drink and eat to excess, and at the end of it all (usually), end up friends and looking forward to the next time.
When we're on the road, sometimes we'll find ourselves in a small town with nothing much to do (Columbia, South Carolina...I'm looking at you). One thing we can always count on if there's a minor league team nearby is to take in a game. It's a lot of fun, it gets us out of the room, exercises our passions, and it's cheap!
Since we're in the middle of a big baseball themed trip, this week's Travel Tune is explicitly about this, the joys of watching great minor league baseball. As the lyrics say, "beer as flat as can be, we like our dogs with mustard and relish. We've got a great pitcher...what's his name?" (actually, I like some fizz in my beer - Ed) We may be minor league but at least we're AAA. Enjoy this week's tune, Alabama's ode to the fun of minor league ball with a video set to scenes from some of the best baseball movies ever...there's nothing like a beer in The Cheap Seats
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